The following project was done years back in 2009 when mobile technology was limited. The theme was to adopt a blue sky approach and the persona was targeting the elderly who start to adapt to "simplified' technology.
"Rhythm provides a multi-sensual feedback to the user with the integration of the nano technology; nano board system (NBS). No longer will the user have to face the issue of small display icons, feeble sound notifications or poor touch sensitivity. Having only a single button, wide display screen and enhanced in-built audio system, Rhythm simplifies the whole outlook of a mobile.
Having issues with the lost of your mobile? The Rhythm pendant is an extra component that can share your woes. As an extra piece, it can be liaised with the main device such that both work in unison tune. The pendant not only serves as a quick answer option for the users, it also serves as a device tracker when the main body is lost."